Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Alright, I think like a week or so ago the idea of keeping a blog was presented to me. At first ill admit I wasn't overly keen on the idea but then I remembered how when I was younger I used to have a sort of blog thing happening on the MSN space thing and when I went back and read all the things I wrote I was able to remember the circumstances in which I wrote each entry which was quite entertaining for myself. Hence I concluded that I couldn't actually come up with any real reason for not writing a blog and that it couldn't hurt...so here goes.

(For all those people reading this blog I would like you to have absolutely no expectations...that way whenever I get around to writing blog entries, anything I write will be good.)

At the moment I am in the process of making a recipe book. I have been meaning to make this recipe book for some time now...2 years I think. The idea of making a recipe book came to me after one of my favourite brownie recipes was lost when my younger sister Lauren took the recipe book containing the magical brownie recipe to school for Home Ec and the Home Ec teacher (Mrs Mason) stole it from her and never returned it. From this horrible event, I decided that I didn't want any more of my favourite recipes to be lost so I would make a recipe book containing all of them. This recipe book is not only a compilation of my favourite recipes but also random recipes from magazines and other various places that I thought sounded nice or would be interesting to see how they turn out. Funny enough most of the recipes I have so far have been desserts...as I am quite the fan of all things sweet. I do however plan to build up the savoury section.

Once the recipe book is completed I have decided I will make copies for certain people... Laura, because she is quite the fussy eater and I want her to be able to have a variety of recipes to turn to once she eventually gets married so her husband will not have to suffer, even though she probably won't eat them herself. Mel, because she and her old housemate were given a recipe book to share as a birthday present...but that housemate has since moved out and is married, taking with her the recipe book leaving Mel with none. Levi, because he is going on a mission soon and will need to know how to make some nutrition yet simple and quick meals.

Even though at first they may not appreciate my amazing recipe book, they will one day be in need of one of my magical recipes and forever be thankful for the wonders that Jfo's Recipe book offers.